Environmental Management

As living standards continue to rise worldwide in step with technological advancement and broader penetration of technology, there are growing concerns about the sustainability of the global environment due to the environmental impact of social activity, burgeoning volumes of waste and other issues. Against this backdrop, the Mitsubishi Chemical Group is focusing on providing environmentally friendly products and services along with efforts to steadily reduce the environmental impact of its own business activities. Additionally, as with the global environment, the safety of the Group's business activities also forms the foundation of its very existence. Guided by this thinking, the Mitsubishi Chemical Group has established the Basic Policy on Safety and the Environment, alongside its basic rules, and is implementing a broad range of activities based on these principles.

Main Activities

Implementation and Operation of Environmental Management Systems

Each The Mitsubishi Chemical Group company is working to implement Environmental Management systems. Many of our production sites worldwide have acquired ISO 14001 certification. Moreover, Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation ensures effective Environmental Management by conducting internal and external audits of these production sites regularly.

Participation in Development of International Standards and Public Policy

As a member of the Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA), Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation is involved in investigating and researching safety and environmental issues and developing related countermeasures. Through its activities with JCIA, the Company participates in the management of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA). In this capacity, we work to solve issues common to chemical companies worldwide, such as chemicals management and global warming countermeasures.

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