Resource Management

Approach on Environmental Impact Reduction and Sustainability of Resources

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group views reducing environmental impact as an important issue and strives to reduce emissions of substances from business activities. The group also seeks to advance in 4Rs (reuse, reduce, recycle, renewable) by shifting to renewable resources, conserve resources, and reduce wastes. In addition, with the circular economy as an important strategy, we aim to realize a recycling-oriented society through various initiatives throughout the life cycle.

Reducing Emissions of Substances that Impact the Environment

Mankind has taken significant strides forward thanks to technological progress. Its immense contribution includes dramatically lower mortality rates and higher standards of living. On the other hand, the negative aspects that have accompanied this progress cannot be ignored. It has increased pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions, causing environmental problems. In response, the Mitsubishi Chemical Group has endeavored to conduct corporate activities in consideration of the environment while contributing to technological development through its businesses.

Main Activities

Reducing Emissions of Substances that Impact the Environment From Business Activities

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group has identified substances that impact the environment in connection with its business activities. These are greenhouse gases (GHG), which contribute to global warming; nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx); particulates; volatile organic compounds (VOCs); and nitrogen in discharged water. The Group has been conducting activities to reduce these emissions based on emissions-reduction targets.

Disclosing Environmental Information

Mindful of the importance of verifying and reporting on corporate activities from a global perspective in disclosure related to the environment, the Mitsubishi Chemical Group has disclosed information in the KAITEKI Report and on its corporate website. The Group will further enhance the reliability of its disclosure by steadily extending it to include more organizations covered, increase disclosure elements, and heighten their precision.

Resource Conservation Measures

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group seeks to help solve global resource depletion issues involving energy, metals and other resources. For this, the Group is implementing measures to reduce the use of raw materials needed at the product manufacturing stage, along with the usage of utilities such as power, steam and water, and other resources.

Main Activities

Activities to Reduce the Use of Raw Materials in Manufacturing and the Usage of Utilities

By enhancing manufacturing processes, equipment and other aspects of existing plants, the Group is promoting activities to reduce the use of raw materials at the manufacturing stage, along with the usage of utilities such as power, steam and water.

Shifting from Fossil Fuels to Renewable Raw Materials (Plant-Based and Other Natural Resources)

The Group has been promoting the shift from fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gas, etc.) that are at risk of depletion in the near future to renewable raw materials that use plant-based and other natural resources.

Reducing Rare Metal Usage in Products

The Group is working to reduce the usage of highly rare metals through such means as switching to lithium-ion battery cathode materials that contain less cobalt (a highly rare metal), yet realize the same if not better performance.

Using Less Rare Metals in Manufacturing Processes

The Group is working to use less rare metals in catalysts and other materials while improving productivity.

Reducing Waste

To contribute to the formation of a recycling society, the Mitsubishi Chemical Group aims to reduce landfill waste and achieve zero emission by recycling and reducing waste generation.

Main Activities

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group promotes recycling and reducing waste generation. Because each business emits different types of waste, we are advancing initiatives based on separate targets and achievement plans for each operating company.

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